
Beyond Classroom Walls serves schools by automating auxiliary classroom reports. Our scripts and programmes liberate teachers from piles of paperwork and help them focus on the most important thing in school — students.


Open Communication

Automation expedites reports allowing teachers to communicate with parents and students in a more timely manner.


Increased Productivity

Automation eliminates unecessary stressors and work from teachers that are not directly related to a child's education.


Teacher Empowerment

Automation empowers teachers by giving them time to pursue personal and professional development.

Dedication Towards Teacher Development

Beyond Classroom Walls is a teacher-first organisation. We are dedicated to automating every feasible task and report so that teaching can remain to be a human profession.


Collaboration Towards Student Growth

  • Data feedback for early intervention
  • Reclaimed time for more student-centered activities
  • Consistent and accurate documentation

Why is Automation in Education Important?

Automation frees up valuable time that teachers can use to rest, plan lessons, grade activities, and collaborate with fellow teachers.

Automations Services

Missing Works

Generates a Google Sheets file containing the list of students with missing works in your class.

An optional feature will also send individual custom emails to each student & guardian in the list.
Class Summary

Collates and formats classroom announcements, assignments, and materials into a Google Doc ready for printing.

The document arranges and sorts the content by the date posted.
Class Record

Allows teachers to transfer grades from Google Classroom to your own custom class record in seconds.

Ideal for schools with non-base zero grading systems.

Consolidates the attendance report sent to teachers after Google Meets into a single record, tallying the late entries and absences in your class.

The report template can be customised to your own personal class record.
SET Analysis

Administers and analyses student evaluations on teachers (SETs) based on accepted and established research practises, metrics, and parameters.

The report aims to provide a clear baseline and guideline for peer-to-peer or supervisory observations.

Summarises schoolwide data from Google Classroom, highlighting teacher adoption and student engagement into a single dashboard.

Monitor teacher postings over time and compare student engagement across classrooms.
Try a Classroom Automation Now!

*You may also request custom automations through the contact form below.

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An AI-driven adaptive maths practice platform designed for homework practice and revision in schools

Request a CEREBRY Demo


Import documents, quizzes, tests, or exams into any learning management system in one-click.

Request a GETMARKED Demo

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